Dr. Lee Ann Brady is a privately practicing dentist and nationally recognized educator, lecturer and author. With an extensive history in leadership, she is currently Executive Director and Director of Education of the Pankey Institute. Dr. Brady has also developed a vast library of online instruction at leeannbrady.com and restorativenation.com. She practices in Glendale Arizona, is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry, Inside Dentistry and Dentaltown Magazine.
What Comes After The BeautifuL Ceramics?
We spend an incredible amount of time making sure that we get exquisite results when we do an esthetic or prosthetic reconstruction. Once the ceramics are bonded in we need to make sure we and the patient are maximizing their predictable lifespan. In this presentation we will look at a variety of things that will increase the longevity of your work and your patients health, function and esthetics. From occlusal appliances to trophy techniques we will cover how to preserve beautiful restorations after they are seated.
OBJECTIVES: At the completion of the course, participants will be able to:
Minimizing functional risk factors through equilibration & Appliance therapy
Minimizing Caries risk at marginal interfaces.
Minimizing the wear and tear on ceramic surfaces over time.

AGD Subject Code: 184 Occlusal Adjustment Therapy (Occlusion)