TAISEER SULAIMAN is a Tenured Associate Professor and the Director of the Advanced Operative Dentistry and Biomaterials Research at the Adams School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he earned his clinical certificate in Operative Dentistry and his PhD in Dental Materials from the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterial Sciences from the University of Turku in Finland in collaboration with the Department of Operative Dentistry at UNC. Dr. Sulaiman is a wet-handed clinician, and a researcher who is passionate about bridging the gap between dental research and clinical application. Dr. Sulaiman’s research focus is on dental ceramics, adhesion, cements, color and appearance in dentistry, and biomimetics. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles, abstracts, and book chapters. He is a member of many academies including the Academy of Operative Dentistry (where he serves as councilor to the academy), the Society of Color and Appearance in Dentistry, IADR/AADR, and the American Dental Association. He has lectured on numerous national and international stages and serves as a reviewer for many peer-reviewed journals.
The introduction of the acid-etch technique by Dr. Buonocore in 1955 was the genesis of adhesive dentistry. Currently, bonding to dental substrates may be accomplished through two adhesion strategies: (1) etch-and-rinse and (2) self-etch, which includes glass-ionomer based materials. More recently, a new family of dentin adhesives has been introduced (universal or multi-mode adhesives), which may be used either as etch-and-rinse or as self-etch adhesives. This presentation will focus on the basic bonding mechanisms to enamel and dentin presented through the three distinct phases of demineralization, infiltration and polymerization, providing the clinician an overall understanding of the main differences among them.
At the completion of this lecture, participants will be familiarized with:
The evolution of adhesive systems and which adhesion strategy might be more durable achieving clinical longevity
Present evidence-based success of the different adhesive systems to help the clinician make a solid decision of which adhesive system to adopt in their clinical practice
Dental cements have evolved from relying on only one cement up to the late 70’s, to more than 5 different types with different dispensing/mixing methods and setting mechanisms. This can be very confusing to the clinician. A discerption of each type of cement and its indication for each type of restorative material will be explained, to develop a recipe for dental cement selection.
OBJECTIVES: At the completion of this lecture, participants will be familiarized with:
Modern-day classification of dental cements
How to optimize tooth and restoration surfaces prior to any cementation procedure
A logical approach for selection of a particular cement for each restorative situation
AGD Subject Code: 250 Operative (Restorative) Dentistry